Enugu State Tech Hub Successfully Completes Mini Hackathon Bootcamp for Young Participants

 A young Coder Crafted a Dynamic Website Mirroring LinkedIn, Seamlessly Integrated YouTube and Two Other Social Media Platforms.

In a remarkable display of visionary leadership and commitment to technological advancement, the Enugu State Tech Hub recently concluded a six-week Mini Hackathon for youngsters, as one of Governor Peter Mbah's ambitious agenda to position Enugu State at the forefront of technology. This extraordinary event featured three distinct learning tracks: Front End Software Development, Robotics using C++, and Graphics Design.

The Mini Hackathon, designed to ignite the curiosity of young minds, immersed participants in hands-on experiences across the tech spectrum. One standout feature was the freedom given to children to choose between Graphics and Design or Frontend Software Development, while all participants shared a common track in Robotics.
The top performer in the Frontend Software Development Hackathon left everyone astounded. A young coder crafted a dynamic website mirroring LinkedIn, complete with a navigational bar linking to an "about us" page, profile page, and careers page. Impressively, the website seamlessly integrated YouTube and two other social media platforms.

Meanwhile, the Graphics Design category witnessed its own prodigy. The top achiever masterfully conceptualized an entire advertising campaign for a new cosmetic line. In just six weeks, she created the brand name, materials, tagline, and identity, showcasing remarkable creativity.

This Mini Hackathon reflects the Enugu State Government's unwavering commitment under the visionary leadership of Governor Peter Ndubuisi Mbah. The state is now poised for transformative development, attracting investors and nurturing its young citizens with essential skills for the ever-evolving technological landscape.

Chidubem Anowor, PMP, CSCA, PHRi, the General Manager/Chief Executive of Enugu State Tech Hub, expressed his congratulations to the graduates and commended Governor Peter Mbah's dedication to equipping both the young and old with vital tech skills. In his statement, Anowor said, "Today, we celebrate these hybrid kids who have expanded their technological horizons, thanks to the efforts of His Excellency, Barr. Peter Mbah."

Governor Peter Mbah's administration, barely 100 days in office, has left an indelible mark on various sectors, including Technology, Security, Water, Waste Management, Traffic Lights, Finance, Agriculture, Education, and Foreign Partnerships. Enugu State is experiencing unprecedented development, marking an exciting journey towards technological advancement and innovation.

Indeed, tomorrow is here, and Enugu State stands at the forefront of this exhilarating technological revolution.


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