Many controversies have risen in Nigeria and Africa at large concerning giving and the prosperity gospel. Today, many pastors are afraid to ask people to give to support God's work because of the abuse in the teaching of prosperity and giving by some fund raisers and motivational speakers. 

For the purpose of clarity, there are professional fund raisers and also professional motivational speakers. These two sets of people are trained to use psychology and business principles. Unfortunately, most are not called into the five fold ministry. A pastor, evangelist, prophet, teacher or apostle is a spiritual office backed with SPIRITUAL POWER by God that called one into it. God confirms the words of the one He sent. 

If God leads a guest preacher to request for seed, those who respond in faith receive blessings but if the guest speaker is a contract fund raiser who is out to raise money to get a percentage, most times people give and in less than 48 hours they feel fleeced. Why? God was never part of the demand for money, so He does not give the peace of mind through Christ Jesus that surpasses human understanding to those who gave as stated in Philippians 4. People who give to fund raisers and motivational speakers posing as prophets or pastors regret giving almost immediately. God is a spirit and those that worship Him must worship Him in TRUTH and in SPIRIT. If there is no truth in the word of a fund raiser, there will be no spirit of God to back up his word with results.

Giving ministry and prosperity teaching has faced more criticism  than any other ministry like healing, deliverance, or prophetic ministry. Why? Satan wants perpetuation of the saying, "AS POOR AS A CHURCH RAT" . Satan hates to hear the word money mentioned in the church because it is the only tool he uses to lure people into the occult and destroy them later.

If one may ask, does the church need money? Yes. The Bible clarifies that with riches shall the gospel be preached abroad. For the gospel to spread in Africa, the missionaries built free missions hospitals and schools. Did you know that individuals gave to fund those projects?   People sponsored the missionaries. People also gave to sponsor the printing and distribution of free Bibles and tracts. 

 It costs a lot of money to host crusades, musical events, or radio/television programs. Money is required to maintain the church facilities and to pay salaries of full time staff including the pastor . Bible records that the first general overseer to start organized worship of God was Moses. God told Moses to request gifts of gold, silver , bronze and other materials from the people who are WILLING to give for building the sanctuary. Did you know that even the very expensive clothes of the first high priest Aaron was made and given to him free? Did you know that Jesus Christ depended on gifts while on His earthly ministry so did some of His disciples who left their professions?. Did you know that in the acts of the apostles, believers sold their lands and brought the FULL money to the apostles feet to sponsor gospel ?

Does God want His children to prosper materially? Yes. The bible is full of teachings on God's principles concerning business and prosperity. Chief among God's principles for prosperity are being born again, acknowledging God as giver of power to make wealth through tithing, offerings and fulfilling personal covenant vows made to God, while at same time  being diligent, honest, passionate and humble in service to people.

Here are some pertinent questions the critics of giving to church seldom ask. 

Do people get blessed when the Word is shared ? Yes. Do people get blessed by giving to God's work cheerfully ? Yes. Who benefits most from supporting God's work? Those who obey Jesus Christ teaching in Matthew 6 and give to please God not for public aggrandizement. 

Does the amount you give matter more than the heart of the giver? No. If Jesus Christ received the widow's mite spiritually and blessed it, the amount you give is by leading not by the cajole of any man.

If you have no leading to give, don't give. Only cheerful givers get blessed. If you are worth billions but you are led to give a penny , please do so or sit quietly. Don't stop the poor from giving. Elijah commanded the widow of Zeraphat to give her last. She did and got God's best. King David said he does not give what costs him nothing to God. If giving must be sacrificial , then it must be painful. 

Will you still be blessed if you don't give? Yes. So what is the benefit of giving? The Bible said IT IS MORE BLESSED TO GIVE than to receive. That's the scripture. Givers get more. 

Some blessings from God are not material. They are spiritual. Some people gave money and got joy missing in their lives. Some gave to support God's work and got healing for themselves or their child or relative they were not asking for at that moment. God knows what to give in return for supporting His work. The pastor or priest may not know

Give with love, let those who receive and misuse God's money face God. Judgement will start from the church 

God is love. God is merciful. But God is also just. He is a righteous judge. Some fund raisers don't know that those who give, give away sickness and death and they receive it and take the sickness and death. God knows those who fleece money in the church with His name, they even lie against the holy one. They have battles and battles untold. Investigate.

Thou shalt not use the name of the Lord, thy God in vain. 

God is already dealing with the corrupt and wicked who use His name for their selfish desires and worse those who call on His name while consulting demons to fleece people .

I am a second generation preacher. I have seen, heard and I have been told some things by my father. 

God blesses the faithful and cheerful givers. Don't stop giving to God's work. You don't need anyone to cajole you to give. Give when you see a need in the house of God or in your pastor's life. I am by faith waiting on God for a car gift for missions work. 

I am a passionate revivalist.

Bishop Chinedu Nwoye


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