Isiuzo Local Government Area is currently bedevilled by two plagues of rising insecurity and political division. Killings, kidnapping and sporadic attacks on border communities have become rampant.

Aftermath of the last general elections has brought division and infighting in Isiuzo PDP never seen before.

In these challenging circumstances it's needed more than ever before, a man who can get Isiuzo to work for all again.

Hon Charles Ilodi,a Surveyor by profession is a strong PDP stakeholder and Governor Peter Mba loyalist from Ehamufu who is angling to take up the big task of the next Chairman of Isiuzo Local Government.

He is a well-known young man whose appeal cuts across the board because of his avowed commitment to party and grassroots mobilization, which he deployed copiously during the electioneering period.

As the Deputy-Director, Mainstream Media,Enugu East Senatorial Zone,Peter Mba Campaign Organization,he played key roles in media engagements during the campaign period, working with Dr Kingsley Udeh,the Honourable Attorney-General of   Enugu State and members of the committee.

Hon Ilodi was also the State Youth Leader of the most prominent and effective support group,New Face of Enugu,which mobilized thousands of voters across the state.

He was also an active member of Enugu East Campaign  Council led by Deacon Okey Ogbodo that canvassed voter sensitization in the 17 LGAs of the state, delivering, exercise books and visits to churches as well.

Hon Ilodi was involved in delivery of relief materials to IDPs Camps in Umualor community during the Ehamufu-Fulani crisis and medical outreach in rural communities in the 17 LGAs of the state.

It is imperative to state that Isiuzo at present doesn't need anyone who doesn't understand the dynamics of the present challenges it faces,but someone like Hon Ilodi who will bring his passion, enthusiasm, commitment and people-friendly work ethic to make Isiuzo work again for all to end insecurity,unite our party and bring development to grassroots of Isiuzo communities.


Hon Charles Ilodi 


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